Degrees: I am currently working towards my General Studies degree with a Minor in Anthropology and a Minor in Native American and Indigenous Studies with a Certificate in Leadership. 

Experience: I was a mentor for a program called OTEAM for two semesters, I was a summer tour guide for incoming college freshman/ transfer students, and a tour guide for students coming to tour IUPUI. I also did LOTS for two rounds my senior year! 

Favorite Quote: "Strong women don't have 'attitudes', we have standards." - Marilyn Monroe.

Hobbies:  I love to watch movies, play video games, play with my six pets, and bake in my spare time. I plan on going back to school for my Pastry degree after completing my current degree. 

Did you know?: 5/6 Pets of mine are named after kinds of pasta! Can you guess what kinds?