who we are
Welcome to Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington | Fulfilling the Mission!
…is to empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as caring,
productive, and responsible citizens.
Since 1956, we have been dedicated to serving the youth in our local community. Located in Bloomington, IN, we annually provide extensive camps and programs during after school hours, holiday breaks and summer break.
We have three core program areas in which all program activities are formulated: Healthy Lifestyles, Academic Success, and Good Character & Active Citizenship.
We are a proud member of United Way Monroe County! Click here for more information.
Serving over 700 youth daily, we operate four Club locations throughout Monroe & Owen County. Our primary unit is the historic Lincoln Street Club, which has been serving the community since our doors first opened in 1956 and underwent a multi-million dollar renovation in 2018. Additionally, we operate the Steve & Connie Ferguson Crestmont Club, where we serve those living in the Bloomington Housing Authority, the Ellettsville Club, which is located about 10 miles west of Bloomington & the Owen County Club located in Spencer, Indiana.
Additionally, Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington provides fun and educational camp options for Bloomington youth at Camp Rock. Located on beautiful Lake Lemon, Camp Rock is an American Camp Association (ACA) Accredited Day Camp and offers outdoor activities such as lakefront boating, swimming, arts, outdoor education, fishing and hiking. Campers also enjoy weekly themes and special field trips. Camp Rock serves campers entering grades 1-8 and offers a Counselor In Training (CIT) program for youth entering grades 9-12. In addition to traditional Camp Rock summer programming, Camp Rock also offers Fall and Spring Break programming in partnership with the Lincoln Street Club.
...is a place where hope begins and transformation never ends.
Our Values
At Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington, we believe in Integrity, Citizenship, Excellence and Teamwork (ICET).
INTEGRITY | The Power of Honesty
Integrity is the foundation of all we do. It is a constant. Those with whom we work, love and serve can rely on us. We align our actions with our words and strive to deliver on what we promise. We build and strengthen our reputation through trust. We are respectful and behave in an open and honest manner.
CITIZENSHIP | The Power of Connection
We recognize that we are all connected and that as citizens of our community, we have an obligation to help one another. With an innovative and empowering spirit, we engage all stakeholders, and the greater community at large, through solutions, ideas and actions that shape social responsibility and advance sustainable, effective philanthropy.
EXCELLENCE | The Power of Quality
We set and strive to achieve ambitious, and sometimes, very bold goals. The quality of our programs and the service we provide to our community reflects the strong heritage and traditions of the organization. We are passionate about children and program excellence. We are determined to serve the families in our community through the intense focus on the needs with a sense of urgency. For us, excellence is not only a value – it is a discipline and a means of making our community a better place.
TEAMWORK | The Power of Working Together
Teamwork is the glue which keeps the team together – a bond which promotes strength, unity, reliability and support. Teamwork is also the oil that makes the team work – it enables a smoother movement towards targets, can prolong momentum and can help teams overcome obstacles. Good teams support social networks which encourage positivity and performance. We know that by working together, we can produce better results than any of us can achieve alone. People matter more than anything – we care about those we work with and those we serve.
Our Brand
We believe that our story – which spans nearly seven decades – shapes our future.
Our story is represented through our brand… it is who we are.
It is important to the Club that we project our brand appropriately as we continue to tell our story and grow into the future. By adhering to brand practices, we help maintain brand integrity throughout our organization and into the community at-large. This section serves to help those outside of our Club walls to tell our story by using established branding guidelines.
Our Primary Logo is an extension of Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s mark. There are two approved layouts of the logo (the downloadable images are available below). For a specific image format, or an alternative version of the logo, please contact Rachel Terrill, Marketing Director.
Our logo consists of two distinct elements that speak to the power of the Club:
…represent the guiding hands that Boys & Girls Clubs extend to youth nationally.
…represents our organization with the Club itself while being distinctive to those we serve locally.

HELPFUL HINT: Our logo should never be altered, separated or stretched. Our logo must always appear upright.
Below are some additional HELPFUL HINTS on how to appropriately depict our organization via text descriptors:
Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington
is a singular organization.
BGCB is the proper acronym for our organization.
Club or Clubs should always be capitalized – including when the word is used separately from our organization.
Always use the ampersand (&) in the name of our organization.