Chris’s Story
Read about Chris’s experience with the Boys & Girls Club.

Chris is one of three siblings being raised by his mother, a single-parent attending classes and working multiple jobs, to support her family. Chris is mostly deaf in one ear and was considered legally blind. He has had countless surgeries to improve his vision. When Chris came the Club in 2010, he was withdrawn, wouldn’t make eye contact, and mumbled severely when he spoke. He was doing poorly in school because of his social anxiety and physical difficulties.
Today, when you meet Chris you encounter a fun-loving, boisterous, friendly and confident boy, who brags about his A’s in reading and math and wants to be a firefighter so he can spend his life helping others. Chris’ mom says, “He’s a whole new kid. You have no idea how much the Club has helped our family and my children. It has changed our lives for the better. To me, the Club is Chris’ dad.”